1.   How then do these two books meet the challenges imposed by essentially complex legislation?

2.   These three books cover that same spectrum while discussing widely disparate topics.

3.   These three books form part of a series on religion in the modern world.

4.   But these two books do not contain new scientific or technical information or add anything to existing knowledge of the environment and medical consequences of Chernobyl.

5.   Both these books are intense and powerful novels written by prolific and successful writers, which is why I have chosen to write about these two books.

6.   The main difference between these two books, is that although all of the children were born with these powers, only Michael and his friends were exploited.

7.   Four hundred pounds for this one book.

8.   But for the most part, the police in these two books are not excessively bright, and certainly not idealistic.

9.   In any case, these two books would make delicious presents.

10.   Just in case you missed any, these two books sum up in words and pictures the peaks and disasters of the past hundred years.

a. + book >>共 1553
new 11.02%
record 5.13%
holy 3.49%
first 2.66%
electronic 1.70%
best-selling 1.40%
muslim 1.33%
next 1.21%
rare 1.21%
latest 1.20%
this 0.30%
this + n. >>共 920
team 4.45%
man 3.61%
country 2.46%
guy 2.07%
game 1.86%
company 1.61%
group 1.30%
people 1.16%
factor 1.16%
time 1.05%
book 0.95%
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