1.   Thieves often target unprotected vehicles.

2.   Today Central decided to test security at two Oxford institutions targeted by thieves earlier this month.

3.   In most cases the thieves targeted cars which had been left with bags or other valuables clearly visible.

4.   But certain pieces, such as the Titian, are clearly targeted by thieves.

5.   Depots for nuclear fuel for Russian submarines and icebreakers, some of which has also been targeted by thieves, are also a concern.

6.   In another scheme, the thieves target a passenger who looks well-heeled and likely to have an expensive computer in a carrying case.

7.   Police told Lettner that thieves targeted her home because of the bulk mail that had piled on her front stoop.

8.   Russian facilities have already been targeted by thieves.

9.   The thieves also targeted key players at Rice, taking the gloves of first baseman Vincent Sinisi, third baseman Hunter Brown and outfielder Austin Davis.

n. + target >>共 616
company 3.60%
group 3.25%
attack 2.95%
militant 2.76%
rebel 2.68%
police 2.14%
terrorist 2.10%
campaign 1.76%
government 1.72%
force 1.38%
thief 0.61%
thief + v. >>共 322
steal 9.45%
be 8.44%
break 5.43%
have 5.18%
take 3.51%
use 2.34%
make_off 2.09%
try 1.42%
escape 1.42%
target 1.34%
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