1.   As for new ideas, yes, the Apple folks cooked up a thick stew of them.

2.   I really like old-fashioned pot roast and gorgeous chunks of beef in thick stews.

3.   A pork stew thick with fresh corn and tomatoes can be made early in the day and reheated.

4.   A thick stew of fiction, fantasy, autobiography and history.

5.   The goulash, unlike the thick stew Americans know, was an authentic soup served in miniature kettles for each diner to ladle into soup plates.

a. + stew >>共 170
vegetable 5.32%
hearty 3.90%
chicken 3.55%
spicy 3.19%
ethnic 2.84%
rich 2.84%
large 2.13%
simmering 2.13%
thick 2.13%
oxtail 1.77%
thick + n. >>共 914
smoke 8.40%
fog 5.35%
cloud 4.34%
layer 3.27%
glass 2.30%
haze 1.89%
hair 1.89%
forest 1.78%
skin 1.62%
accent 1.58%
stew 0.13%
每页显示:    共 6