61.   Freshly redesigned paperback editions of these books are being issued with photographs from the movies on their covers.

62.   Frankly, with all that has happened since the election, I doubt that many will read these books.

63.   Glantz, who is editor of The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, said each page of these books is packed with information.

64.   Guys who write these books are nothing to me.

65.   He has given these books classification numbers, just as all the rest, but lets out a little chuckle when he points to their spines.

66.   He would gather information as a researcher on these books.

67.   I felt, reading these books later on, that there were perhaps too many jokes, that I was trying too much just to make people laugh.

68.   I found these books profoundly human -- and should not be limited in readership to the homosexual community.

69.   I have these books.

70.   I have been challenged and, in some cases, changed by reading these books.

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