1.   The spark was supposed to ignite the fusion reaction or miniature thermonuclear explosion.

2.   The collisions ignite thermonuclear explosions that release the bursts of high-energy radiation being observed.

3.   The huge laser complex now about to materialize in Livermore, known as the National Ignition Facility, is to be the first machine to generate miniature thermonuclear explosions.

4.   The resulting implosion would drive the plasma formed from the vaporized pellet inward on itself, compressing and heating the fusion fuel inside it until a thermonuclear explosion occurs.

5.   Their mathematical model, which is partly based on the behavior of thermonuclear explosions, suggests that shock waves are the likely cause of sonoluminescence.

6.   Thermonuclear explosions, for example.

7.   Nova Aquilae erupted in a thermonuclear explosion a month ago.

8.   Scientists believe that the thermonuclear explosion was preceded by a build-up of hot gas pulled from a larger companion star.

a. + explosion >>共 483
nuclear 6.57%
loud 6.02%
powerful 5.79%
small 4.58%
second 4.43%
controlled 4.03%
huge 3.98%
first 2.84%
large 2.84%
underground 2.39%
thermonuclear 0.20%
thermonuclear + n. >>共 28
fusion 10.84%
weapon 10.84%
bomb 9.64%
device 9.64%
explosion 9.64%
reaction 8.43%
research 6.02%
fire 3.61%
process 3.61%
warhead 3.61%
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