1.   If the theory works, the game will immediately produce more winners.

2.   School lunch programs, nursing homes and other places that reheat meat might benefit if the fruit theory works.

3.   Scientists, like most mortals, grow attached to which ever theory works.

4.   The theory works even when one of the Super Bowl contestants is an original NFL team that moved into what is now the American Football Conference.

5.   While this theory works for soap and soda, fashion has rarely bought into it.

n. + works >>共 622
art 9.13%
system 3.80%
reference 2.67%
sewage 2.20%
treatment 1.67%
repair 1.53%
steel 1.53%
way 1.40%
program 1.33%
government 1.33%
theory 0.33%
theory + n. >>共 68
hold 6.25%
works 5.21%
class 4.17%
approach 3.13%
dispute 3.13%
help 3.13%
measure 3.13%
work 3.13%
change 2.08%
dissimilarity 2.08%
每页显示:    共 5