21.   As the government ratchets down its share of funding, there is a rethinking about how Canadian schools will balance their books, Stevenson said.

22.   As their books have climbed the best-seller charts, mainstream publishing houses have reacted quickly with new imprints specializing in black romance novels and literature.

23.   At one time mortgage lenders retained on their books the mortgages they made.

24.   At the moment of a Long-Term Capital default, those offsetting contracts themselves would have become unbalanced risks on their books.

25.   At what cost do we bolt the lockers in Waterbury, Conn., and require students to carry their books in transparent bags?

26.   At stake are how much profit those companies report and how much debt is on their books.

27.   Authors do go to all sorts of extremes to plug their books, but that seems a bit much, even for Hillary.

28.   Banks are unwilling to bail them out even though savings are booming, because they already have several hundred billion yuan worth of bad loans on their books.

29.   Banks fell amid concern a weak economy will make it even harder to write off the trillions of yen in bad loans that burden their books.

30.   Banks fell amid concern a weak economy will make it even harder to write off the trillions of yen in bad loans which burden their books.

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