1.   We could take a leaf out of their book.

2.   They play it by the book - their book not mine.

3.   And so they wrote their book.

4.   And while acknowledging that the tone of their book may at times be polemical, Thernstrom said it was difficult to quibble with their empirical findings.

5.   And, indeed, many do think that he, his wife or both are guilty and see their book and the well-orchestrated TV appearances as a cynical manipulation.

6.   And they make it good for anyone who takes the pleasure of reading their book.

7.   As a result of the international dispute, Bernstein and Politi have both declined to tour through Poland to promote their book.

8.   Before she heard about their book, she said, she thought no one else shared her sense of foreboding.

9.   A reporter and her father, a radio man, vow to write their book together.

10.   After reading their book, you might be inclined to agree.

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