1.   She did some theater costume designing in college and, of course, she makes her own Halloween costume almost every year.

2.   Todd even rents a theater costume of an SS uniform and forces Dussander to wear it.

3.   He also created theater costumes for plays in Denmark and wrote two books in Danish, including an autobiography that became a bestseller at home.

4.   He also created theater costumes for plays in Denmark and wrote two books in Danish, including one autobiography that became a best-seller at home.

n. + costume >>共 153
stage 3.85%
dance 2.99%
clown 2.56%
devil 2.14%
ghost 2.14%
carnival 2.14%
dog 1.71%
peasant 1.71%
puppet 1.71%
year 1.71%
theater 1.71%
theater + n. >>共 485
owner 6.91%
company 5.80%
chain 3.84%
director 3.25%
group 3.03%
district 2.88%
critic 2.66%
system 2.55%
ticket 2.03%
production 2.00%
costume 0.15%
每页显示:    共 4