1.   The resulting book provides easy to use, well-illustrated information on tackling all kinds of tasks around the house.

2.   Fadiman acknowledges that the passion she developed for the case of Lia Lee and the resulting book were somewhat accidental, but Fadiman is no accidental writer.

3.   He sent questionnaires to every mobster asking which restaurants and construction companies they extort payoffs from, then sold the resulting book to these same businesses.

4.   Her preparation for a book starts with a journal, usually four times longer than the resulting book.

5.   She was agreeable, as is the resulting book.

6.   The resulting book is a bit of this, a bit of that.

7.   The resulting book is half confessional memoir, half hard-boiled crime chronicle.

8.   The resulting book reads like a bodice-ripper romance crossed with Judith Krantz, with plenty of feminist and multicultural seasoning thrown in to update the mix.

9.   The resulting book is an eclectic learning experience.

10.   The resulting book is a disturbing reminder of the willingness of science to pervert itself to satisfy politics and sport.

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