1.   And if Cotey had agreed with the other jurors, she asked, would the other jurors have sought explanations?

2.   And the two jurors had only praise for the lawyers involved in the case.

3.   As for the evidence, Forbis said he and the other jurors believed there were so many inconsistencies in the testimony that they could not convict the defendant.

4.   Alavi testified that she was ready to vote not guilty on the pandering counts unless the other jurors agreed to acquit Fleiss of the cocaine charge.

5.   After the two jurors are replaced today, prosecutors are expected to resume their direct examination of the chief medical examiner.

6.   Agreement by five of the six jurors is sufficient.

7.   Both Ms. Walker and the other juror said those holding out for life argued that Harris might find spiritual redemption and rebirth in prison.

8.   But she agreed with the other jurors that he should be punished severely in terms of money.

9.   But when the other jurors re-read the transcript, they were convinced they were wrong and switched to her side.

10.   Clervi directed Jackson to rejoin the other jurors and to submit the question in writing.

a. + juror >>共 232
potential 21.79%
prospective 13.11%
grand 9.58%
alternate 6.43%
the 3.79%
black 3.79%
dismissed 2.31%
white 2.06%
female 1.80%
fellow 1.48%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
juror 0.05%
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