1.   The first four counts are of limited use to the historian for they do not list individual households, but they do provide population figures on a township basis.

2.   Because of the impasse, the presiding judge, R. Benjamin Cohen of New Jersey Superior Court, declared a mistrial on the two counts.

3.   A grand jury eventually indicted Ortiz on the more serious charge, but in April, the trial jury settled on the lesser count of attempted assault.

4.   According to the LAT, jurors never seriously contemplated guilty verdicts on any of the nine counts.

5.   But it challenged the conspiracy charge, the most serious of the nine counts.

6.   But they concluded that the police acted responsibly on the three counts of pandering that led to guilty verdicts because Fleiss offered prostitutes and named her price.

7.   Cigar qualifies on the first two counts, but most breeding experts find his family tree to be lacking in acorns.

8.   Each of the other counts carries up to life in prison.

9.   Four of the six counts carry a maximum sentence of death.

10.   Fraud is the second of the nine counts.

a. + count >>共 388
full 9.02%
final 5.71%
official 4.79%
accurate 4.28%
single 3.67%
the 3.57%
manual 2.09%
last 2.04%
second 1.83%
first 1.83%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
count 0.06%
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