81.   In this part of the book we shall consider mysteries on the grand scale - and also on the inconceivably tiny.

82.   Instead of managing by the book, this is strictly managing by the storybook.

83.   It is an increasingly influential idea in evolutionary theory, and one that will recur throughout the book.

84.   It is difficult to read the book without sharing her anger and frustration, or feeling her love of open spaces.

85.   It is only when Alvarez starts to write about poetry and poets that the book comes to life.

86.   It is therefore a simple matter to find a particular topic, and also to browse profitably through the book.

87.   It will come to pass, shortly I presume, that others will come forward to claim they wrote the book.

88.   It would have been quite impossible to finish the book but for the computer program I had been given.

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