71.   It is doubtful that Lucas read that book.

72.   It was all from that book.

73.   Law-enforcement officials in Massachusetts are investigating the possibility that Salvi read that book.

74.   Maybe Dan should give that book a happy ending.

75.   Miller has gathered up parts of earlier productions and published them in book form, then based the show on that book.

76.   Of course, Michael long ago authored that book.

77.   On the occasion of the recent publication of that book, Martin agreed to an interview, with the understanding that the talk would be authorial.

78.   Put that book down NOW.

79.   Some have resorted to hiding letters in a book in the jail library and then passing word to another prisoner to look in that book, Mayfield said.

80.   Someone who buys a novel, for example, is legally free to resell that book at a used bookstore or a garage sale.

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