1.   Pharmaceutical giant SmithKline Beecham and its partner, Salt Lake City-based Theratech Inc., recently won approval for another testosterone patch, called Androderm.

2.   Slap a testosterone patch on that scrawny bicep and be the alpha male of your dreams.

3.   Suavely, he pushes back the hair behind his neck and places on his willing skin a testosterone patch.

4.   These popcult testosterone patches are harmless fantasies designed for a generation of guys in search of an identity.

5.   There is a testosterone patch, but it works best if applied directly to the scrotum.

n. + patch >>共 197
nicotine 13.29%
software 7.71%
eye 4.82%
briar 3.28%
flag 2.31%
elbow 2.31%
ice 1.93%
fiberglass 1.93%
potato 1.54%
cabbage 1.35%
testosterone 0.96%
testosterone + n. >>共 73
level 42.27%
production 4.55%
replacement 3.18%
surge 2.73%
deficiency 2.27%
injection 2.27%
patch 2.27%
abnormality 1.82%
cream 1.82%
test 1.82%
每页显示:    共 5