1.   And is everything revealed or can something be found by testing those limits?

2.   Testing might find the bug, they argued, but it might also mislead consumers into thinking that they could disregard warnings to handle and cook the meat safely.

3.   In addition to the StarLink corn, Greenpeace-commissioned testing also found biotech soy in the veggie corn dogs.

4.   And they said testing has found that the gloves contain blood which matches both Simpson and the victims.

v. + find >>共 128
be 7.58%
testing 7.11%
have 4.74%
look 3.79%
help 2.37%
assume 1.90%
click 1.90%
test 1.90%
use 1.90%
go 1.42%
test + v. >>共 90
be 39.05%
begin 6.98%
show 6.98%
continue 3.17%
go 2.54%
take 2.22%
help 1.90%
become 1.59%
have 1.59%
end 1.27%
find 1.27%
每页显示:    共 4