1.   An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the accounts.

2.   Bezille said the new system had been running on a test basis for three months, and that members were encouraged to try it.

3.   China and Britain also are using the fuel on a test basis.

4.   Circle K is one of its first clients on a test basis.

5.   Eleven platforms already have the cameras on a test basis.

6.   He wants to allow a Bell company to offer long-distance service on a test basis, either in a city, state or other region.

7.   House Telecommunications Subcommittee Chairman Billy Tauzin wants to give the Bell companies a chance to get into the long-distance market on a test basis.

8.   House telecommunications subcommittee chairman Billy Tauzin, a Louisiana Republican, wants to let a Bell company into the long-distance market on a test basis.

9.   Radio Shack plans to add IBM desktops to its computer lines on a test basis, McGehee said.

n. + basis >>共 353
cost 8.76%
trial 6.45%
first-name 5.97%
contract 4.33%
outpatient 4.14%
project 2.79%
cash 2.02%
test 1.73%
pay-per-view 1.15%
first-serve 1.06%
test + n. >>共 744
result 16.60%
score 11.72%
site 4.88%
drive 2.80%
flight 2.75%
series 2.11%
car 1.65%
explosion 1.63%
run 1.59%
program 1.35%
basis 0.27%
每页显示:    共 18