1.   He was targeted by terrorists for a second time last night.

2.   LOYALIST terrorists targeted the wrong man when they murdered Catholic hairdresser Sean Hughes at his salon last week.

3.   And the State Department was unprepared when terrorists targeted US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

4.   Authorities say the terrorists are targeting villages that once supported them and have now turned against them.

5.   Both cities are planning blowout celebrations with countdowns and fireworks, and both fear being targeted by terrorists.

6.   A fear that big malls could be targeted by terrorists has some consumers avoiding them and going to Web sites instead.

7.   California Gov. Gray Davis warned Thursday that terrorists may be targeting four California bridges, including the Golden Gate Bridge, for an attack in the next week.

8.   California Gov. Gray Davis had issued a warning that terrorists may be targeting four California bridges, including the Golden Gate, for an attack.

9.   Concerns that terrorists might target the dam have led to lengthy delays of traffic crossing the dam at the Arizona-Nevada line.

10.   Even the FBI shows up, thinking terrorists had targeted the jewel in the Olympic crown.

n. + target >>共 616
company 3.60%
group 3.25%
attack 2.95%
militant 2.76%
rebel 2.68%
police 2.14%
terrorist 2.10%
campaign 1.76%
government 1.72%
force 1.38%
terrorist + v. >>共 411
be 12.72%
use 6.26%
attack 5.66%
strike 4.41%
target 2.75%
have 2.70%
try 2.40%
plan 2.15%
take 1.35%
kill 1.30%
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