1.   Billowing black smoke once again seemed to underscore the threat that terrorism poses to our sense of security as well as to the economic outlook.

2.   But biological terrorism poses new and very different challenges from bombs or chemical attacks.

3.   It is easy to overstate the threat that international terrorism poses for the United States.

4.   Just months ago, a special commission said terrorism posed a serious threat to Americans at home and recommended ways to stave it off.

5.   Yet while Khare is aware of the potential for abuse of such anti-terror laws, he, like many Indians, said he also understood the threat terrorism poses.

6.   Yet to justify the war on which he is embarking, he had to convey a sense of the threat that terrorism poses to the country.

7.   But a top U.S. general said environmental damage and terrorism may pose bigger threats to the waterway.

8.   However, in an apparent attempt to justify the operation, Ben-Tsur also noted that terrorism posed a threat to Israeli security and Mideast stability.

9.   Led by the United States, a full-fledged world economic recovery is underway, though terrorism poses a risk to stability, a top U.S Treasury official said Tuesday.

10.   Nevertheless, terrorism still poses a risk, he said.

n. + pose >>共 1312
man 0.94%
disease 0.94%
case 0.94%
agent 0.91%
group 0.83%
problem 0.76%
leak 0.69%
system 0.65%
inflation 0.58%
issue 0.54%
terrorism 0.43%
terrorism + v. >>共 174
be 43.42%
become 2.46%
have 1.88%
strike 1.74%
pose 1.74%
continue 1.45%
end 1.45%
top 1.30%
take 1.30%
stop 1.01%
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