1.   Banned from seeking re-election by law, Kim has two more years before his five-year term ends.

2.   A criminal trial for the President after his term ends may yet be the best vindicator for the rule of law.

3.   A more moderate Republican Party would benefit President Clinton, Democrats say, if it allowed him to accomplish pieces of his legislative agenda before his term ends.

4.   Alarcon has said he wants to complete the sale of Emetel, which has been delayed several times in recent years, before his interim term ends next August.

5.   Ferris will be allowed to stay on until his term ends in the fall, but an endowment official said he might choose to leave earlier.

6.   Giuliani has not said what he will do after his term ends on Monday night.

7.   He had earlier indicated he would retire before his term ends in December.

8.   If the grantor dies before the term ends, Shenkman said, the property is taxed as part of the estate like any other asset.

9.   If the Senate majority leader steps down before his term ends, the task of picking a successor falls to Gov. Bill Graves.

10.   Indeed, some diplomats here argue that a period of continued instability could encourage Preval to step down before his term ends.

n. + end >>共 815
year 6.14%
north 4.91%
season 3.80%
east 3.61%
split 2.77%
term 2.70%
stem 2.62%
west 2.62%
rookie 1.70%
bottom 1.39%
term + n. >>共 892
limit 24.28%
prison 10.39%
jail 5.55%
end 1.74%
contract 1.64%
life 1.13%
loan 0.87%
policy 0.69%
level 0.67%
investment 0.64%
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