1.   Although the NTSB has praised the Navy for its cooperation, tensions surfaced Wednesday over the disclosures.

2.   At the same time, the commission warned that tensions could surface in financial markets if governments stray from prudent budget policies.

3.   It allows tensions to surface and then resolves them by fully airing every relevant viewpoint.

4.   Racial tensions surface during a murder trial in rural Mississippi.

5.   The commission warned that tensions could surface in financial markets if governments stray from prudent budget policies.

6.   These tensions have surfaced within the governing party, where Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic recently wrote a letter of protest.

7.   These tensions surfaced at the living room meeting.

8.   These tensions have also surfaced outside Nazareth in the rolling hills of the Galilee, a patchwork of green and brown wheat fields where a young Jesus wandered.

9.   Ethnic tension surfaced Saturday as two prominent candidates prepared to begin their campaign for the crucial Taipei mayoral election in December.

10.   Gordey said the producers expected tensions to surface.

n. + surface >>共 450
report 8.18%
allegation 6.13%
name 6.07%
problem 4.91%
evidence 4.57%
rumor 2.73%
issue 2.59%
scandal 1.77%
tension 1.50%
question 1.36%
tension + v. >>共 336
be 25.81%
rise 8.97%
remain 6.71%
mount 4.73%
run 3.16%
increase 2.86%
ease 2.74%
escalate 2.49%
flare 2.42%
grow 2.37%
surface 0.54%
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