1.   Augustine, who made the diagnosis, is a defendant in the case, accused of wrongly assessing her HIV status even though she had no telltale symptoms.

2.   Other telltale symptoms that you might notice are episodes of minor clumsiness, such as dropping or knocking things over more frequently.

3.   Given the risk of the virus spreading during the incubation period, daily surveillance for telltale symptoms is a vital part of efforts to contain the disease.

4.   Hayden said pleconaril may work best if people keep a supply at home to use at the first telltale symptoms.

5.   Some of the children had not been tested for AIDS by their pediatricians even though they had telltale symptoms such as lymph swelling, the researchers said.

6.   Three of the patients were diagnosed with bacillary dysentery on Friday after another complained of fever and diarrhea, telltale symptoms of the disease, three days earlier.

n. + symptom >>共 130
flu 22.42%
asthma 5.54%
allergy 5.04%
bowel 5.04%
stroke 3.02%
stress 2.52%
anthrax 2.27%
disease 2.27%
reflux 2.02%
menopause 1.76%
telltale 1.51%
telltale + n. >>共 168
sign 31.71%
mark 1.71%
symptom 1.71%
hole 1.43%
clue 1.43%
evidence 1.43%
flash 1.14%
number 1.14%
movement 1.14%
signature 1.14%
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