1.   For instance, why is showing an unflattering picture of Bob Dole in a television commercial such a terrible crime?

2.   None of them appear in television commercials with star players, as Jones does.

3.   Nor is an anti-abortion candidate who aired graphic television commercials with footage of dismembered fetuses.

4.   Or are they simply reacting emotionally to finely crafted television commercials and populist rhetoric?

5.   She is on national television commercials.

6.   The crows in the television commercials provide another vehicle for conveying messages about Docklands.

7.   The Democrats ran a series of television commercials, in an effort to put their message across.

8.   Television commercials might seem more professional but beware of mistaking the gloss for the content.

9.   ...the perils of starring in a television commercial.

10.   Angry fans called him a sellout when he started appearing in television commercials.

n. + commercial >>共 188
television 58.61%
campaign 7.53%
radio 5.12%
beer 3.44%
car 1.44%
liquor 0.96%
attack 0.56%
pizza 0.56%
food 0.56%
shoe 0.48%
television + n. >>共 463
station 9.69%
network 6.10%
set 4.06%
camera 3.68%
show 3.68%
interview 3.08%
commercial 2.66%
report 2.56%
program 2.49%
crew 2.34%
每页显示:    共 728