1.   Another investor mistake concerns those easy telephone switches within a fund family.

2.   Atlanta-based World Access markets telephone switches that allow phone service operators to be more competitive.

3.   Big telephone switches the size of a van must be purchased and configured, almost by hand, to link with the cable network.

4.   Castle, which wants to develop the next-generation of voice telephone switches, seems to be making headway.

5.   From there, IDT will patch these sound signals into a telephone switch.

6.   Lucent, which has roots in the manufacture of telephone switches, has spent billions trying to break into the data communications arena.

7.   One product uses Internet technology to essentially replicate an advanced local telephone switch, allowing carriers to combine data and voice traffic.

8.   TCG has its own telephone switches and networks of fiber-optic cable.

9.   The companies will invest in a new telephone marketing operation, telephone switches, warehousing and distribution facilities.

10.   The problem back then was not enough telephone office switches.

n. + switch >>共 280
power 4.62%
ignition 4.14%
policy 3.18%
career 2.39%
telephone 2.39%
wall 2.23%
position 2.23%
network 1.91%
last-minute 1.59%
currency 1.59%
telephone + n. >>共 302
interview 12.61%
company 12.25%
line 9.06%
service 8.26%
number 7.99%
conversation 7.63%
message 4.37%
system 2.16%
network 1.66%
link 1.27%
switch 0.12%
每页显示:    共 15