1.   And does the picture change when the total tax load is taken into account?

2.   And this general tax load will increase significantly over time.

3.   Another not-so-obvious problem is getting an accurate estimate of retirement tax loads.

4.   Because lower income people have little or no money to save, flat tax plans drop them from the tax rolls entirely or lighten their tax loads considerably.

5.   All Texans should bear a just share of the tax load, according to their ability to pay.

6.   Citing the beliefs of his father and Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder, Turner argues that the rich should bear a relatively heavy tax load.

7.   Finally, the changes approved last year in the federal capital gains tax have lightened the tax load on all mutual funds.

8.   If so, he ignores the revenue-enhancing potential of trimming the tax load as much as possible.

9.   It ranks first in local per-capita tax load.

10.   Perhaps you could work out a schedule of transfers over several years which would minimize the current tax load.

n. + load >>共 183
debt 23.48%
work 9.47%
bus 6.57%
passenger 5.18%
course 4.42%
truck 3.03%
plane 2.53%
lorry 2.27%
fuel 2.02%
tax 1.77%
tax + n. >>共 344
cut 17.59%
break 7.21%
increase 4.27%
credit 3.87%
revenue 3.87%
bill 2.85%
rate 2.82%
law 2.19%
system 1.98%
code 1.93%
load 0.05%
每页显示:    共 14