1.   It is working well, one person leading the group, another checking the time, another taking notes.

2.   The speakers just have to do everything twice, taking note of which family is playing host.

3.   Among those taking notes were future big-leaguers, Glendon Rusch and Eaton, both encouraged to sign out of high school by Henderson.

4.   I was busy taking notes.

5.   Lee, a member of the House committee that brought the charges against the president, has been present every day, feverishly taking notes.

6.   Mornell suggests that when taking notes during an interview, divide the page into two vertical columns.

7.   Taking note of this trend is certainly not intended to imply it is limited to those who create advertising.

8.   Taking notes?

9.   There is no television, just a reporter or two taking notes.

a. + note >>共 1218
high 4.83%
handwritten 3.87%
positive 3.43%
sour 2.70%
new 2.13%
cautionary 1.87%
personal 1.72%
mental 1.70%
conciliatory 1.43%
optimistic 1.21%
taking 0.45%
taking + n. >>共 295
place 16.88%
part 6.01%
advantage 4.43%
action 2.95%
note 2.53%
control 2.53%
time 2.43%
drug 1.48%
responsibility 1.37%
risk 1.27%
每页显示:    共 24