1.   But analytically, a political system could exist at any level, even one that does not have ultimate authority.

2.   Many planning systems exist whereby consumers with similar characteristics of purchasing behaviour are grouped.

3.   Software systems exist which can make the life of potential users a lot easier.

4.   The system already exists in embryo.

5.   Does the global system really exist?

6.   This too would have raised expenditure irrespective of whether or not a Speenhamland system existed.

7.   Systems do not exist in isolation.

8.   And no national system exists for monitoring immigrants who overstay a student visa or fail to enroll in classes.

9.   As long as that system exists, there will be more Allen Iversons.

10.   As the system now exists, it tilts unfairly toward beneficiaries needing surgery and care-intensive hospital stays.

n. + exist >>共 1655
problem 4.39%
evidence 2.06%
possibility 1.59%
opportunity 1.28%
difference 1.17%
life 1.15%
condition 1.10%
technology 1.04%
system 0.84%
group 0.78%
system + v. >>共 725
be 25.00%
work 4.60%
have 4.07%
allow 2.15%
use 1.82%
fail 1.48%
make 1.44%
need 1.42%
provide 1.31%
require 1.03%
exist 0.34%
每页显示:    共 52