1.   Because most syndrome sufferers are infertile, the ailment is not hereditary.

2.   But syndrome sufferers take their blind faith a step further.

3.   For syndrome sufferers, McFarlane may be some sort of object lesson, a cautionary tale.

4.   McAleese never made eye contact with Adams, chatting instead to a Downs syndrome sufferer three seats from Mowlam, then returned to the podium.

5.   The syndrome sufferer, like Murdoch, can only calculate that concessions to the Chinese will give him privileged access to the mythical market.

n. + sufferer >>共 93
allergy 14.15%
asthma 12.58%
migraine 7.55%
cancer 6.92%
arthritis 5.03%
flu 4.72%
pain 2.83%
dementia 2.52%
plague 1.89%
disease 1.89%
syndrome 1.57%
syndrome + n. >>共 20
patient 17.95%
sufferer 12.82%
symptom 12.82%
child 7.69%
case 5.13%
drug 5.13%
victim 5.13%
alos 2.56%
disease 2.56%
ease 2.56%
每页显示:    共 5