1.   Suspect foods were tried again in an open reintroduction and if symptoms recurred the patient was offered a double blind challenge all of which were done as inpatient studies.

2.   The same symptom recurred a year later when she took the oral contraceptive pill.

3.   She had blood clots on the lung, but when the symptoms recurred, her doctor diagnosed something completely different.

4.   Because symptoms usually recur, people who have one episode will usually have four to six additional bouts in their lifetime.

5.   Do the symptoms recur because the bacteria have been hiding out in the body only to emerge again later?

n. + recur >>共 88
cancer 14.22%
problem 9.80%
theme 6.86%
disease 3.43%
tumor 3.43%
symptom 2.94%
motif 2.45%
incident 1.96%
infection 1.96%
injury 1.96%
symptom + v. >>共 140
include 31.16%
be 24.85%
appear 5.79%
persist 2.34%
develop 2.21%
disappear 2.02%
begin 1.89%
occur 1.89%
range 1.50%
go 1.24%
recur 0.39%
每页显示:    共 6