1.   He has also shown in a brilliant and expanding series of concerts how well he and his opera orchestra can play the symphonic repertory.

2.   He said in later years how surprised he was that many of these pieces, not really intended as classical music, ended up in the symphonic repertory.

3.   He loves the Russian symphonic repertory, though, and his conducting career gives him an opportunity to perform it.

4.   He reiterated his continuing commitment to the symphonic repertory as well as to the Pops.

5.   In the central symphonic repertory, Barenboim often strives for a magisterial quality that can come across as aloof.

6.   Inevitably, complete operas are absent, and symphonic repertory is scarce.

7.   Masur favors the inclusion of Bach in the symphonic repertory, on a limited and careful basis.

8.   Lockhart hopes to renew a recording presence for the orchestra and build one for himself as a conductor of mainstream symphonic repertory.

9.   So, Levine said, the time has come for a sustained involvement with symphonic repertory.

10.   The appointment at first seemed unexpected, since Ozawa has had far less experience in opera than in symphonic repertory.

a. + repertory >>共 187
standard 14.95%
classical 3.04%
new 2.57%
german 2.34%
symphonic 2.34%
unusual 2.10%
romantic 1.87%
operatic 1.87%
solo 1.64%
russian 1.64%
symphonic + n. >>共 83
music 18.12%
repertory 6.71%
concert 5.37%
composition 3.36%
works 3.36%
orchestra 2.68%
score 2.01%
sound 2.01%
work 2.01%
composer 1.34%
每页显示:    共 10