1.   Aggression would have given a survival advantage in cave dweller days and earlier and so would have been favored by natural selection.

2.   There is probably not much survival advantage to be gained from discovering a grand unified theory or answering questions about determinism.

3.   Though many genetic fluctuations do occur, most die out because they fail to confer any survival advantages on gut-dwelling microbes.

4.   But since then, most trials of Marimastat and MMPIs developed by other companies have been halted because the drugs yielded little or no survival advantage over traditional chemotherapy.

5.   However, Motulsky also speculates that the disease-causing mutations might once have conferred some survival advantage that had the effect of perpetuating those altered genes.

6.   In other words, it must have a survival advantage for the species.

7.   It would only become common if it conferred a survival advantage.

8.   Max is merely exhibiting a specific set of behaviors proved over time to contain survival advantages.

9.   One study reported by Dr. A. D. McNaghten of the CDC showed a substantial survival advantage among people treated with combinations of three drugs.

10.   Previous studies suggested that the apparent survival advantage of women was a result of the groups of men and women not being equally sick.

n. + advantage >>共 296
home-field 16.85%
home-court 10.02%
tax 7.88%
man 6.83%
home-ice 4.90%
homecourt 4.07%
two-man 3.50%
price 2.67%
cost 2.23%
field 2.10%
survival 1.05%
survival + n. >>共 180
rate 15.66%
skill 9.64%
instinct 5.02%
strategy 4.32%
suit 3.71%
gear 3.21%
time 3.21%
technique 2.71%
advantage 2.41%
plan 2.41%
每页显示:    共 24