1.   As fresh supplies reach the market, prices will fall, said Bill Gwozd, an analyst at Ziff Energy in Calgary, Alberta.

2.   After the Serbs swept in, they did little more than urge Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic to restrain the Bosnian Serbs and allow relief supplies to reach Srebrenica.

3.   But Tucker said the former Soviet Union is believed to have developed more virulent strains of the virus, and unauthorized supplies may have reached North Korea and Iraq.

4.   Futures markets suggest prices are headed lower as additional supplies reach the market, traders said.

5.   Near Khandahar in the south, Oxfam International expressed concerns that supplies are not reaching refugees.

6.   The inventory decline is all the more important because it comes at a time when distillate fuel supplies typically reach their peak for the year.

7.   The United Nations is also required to conduct impact assessments everywhere in Iraq to be sure that the emergency supplies are reaching the neediest people.

8.   Those rising supplies are now reaching market after Independence Day, when consumer beef demand slows until the Labor Day holiday.

9.   U.N. agencies will be watching to assess whether supplies are reaching their intended recipients.

10.   When oil supplies cannot reach consumers, they experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

n. + reach >>共 1026
telephone 4.90%
side 3.16%
team 1.81%
company 1.54%
party 1.04%
phone 0.98%
negotiator 0.90%
government 0.89%
convoy 0.85%
jury 0.83%
supply 0.46%
supply + v. >>共 305
be 38.30%
run 5.30%
dwindle 2.73%
come 2.28%
remain 2.24%
reach 1.88%
exceed 1.71%
rise 1.63%
arrive 1.43%
increase 1.39%
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