1.   Is it beyond the wit of Byers and his legal eagles to include a sunset clause in the final version?

2.   But the ship itself faces a moment of truth because the National Science Foundation, its major patron, will drop support under a sunset clause in six years.

3.   For example, the House proposal includes a sunset clause that would force Congress to review after two years how the far-reaching changes in surveillance laws work in practice.

4.   Instead, he plunged directly into a discourse on management reform, results-based budgets and sunset clauses.

5.   Luxury-tax threshold, sunset clause, NLRB decision.

6.   The amendment, however, has a sunset clause retiring the provision if future approval of tobacco settlement legislation supplied funds for the FDA programs.

7.   Others demanded that more provisions of the bill come under a sunset clause, not just some of the expanded police powers.

8.   Rights groups and the Canadian Bar Association also want a sunset clause, arguing that any erosion of civil liberties should be temporary.

9.   The inclusion of the six-year sunset clause was the second major victory for the government.

10.   The Senate, in which the government does not have a majority, also rejected a sunset clause that would have phased out Aboriginal land claims over six years.

a. + clause >>共 203
constitutional 6.30%
expert 5.73%
such 4.77%
controversial 4.77%
new 3.63%
social 2.86%
out 2.67%
offending 2.67%
sunset 2.48%
similar 1.91%
sunset + n. >>共 66
provision 12.67%
clause 8.67%
cruise 7.33%
industry 7.33%
year 5.33%
view 4.67%
magazine 4.00%
launch 2.67%
time 2.67%
color 2.00%
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