1.   Although orders for the bikes are backed up for months, workers still take a mass break every day for a sumptuous lunch with vino.

2.   With advance notice, Charity will also make you a sumptuous lunch or dinner.

3.   After a sumptuous lunch of a fiesta mode where dishes are laid on banana leaves, we examine one of the fishponds.

4.   Buys ex-jailbird a sumptuous lunch.

5.   Later they adjourned for a sumptuous lunch.

6.   The rest of the residents were treated to a sumptuous lunch in the dining hall.

a. + lunch >>共 380
working 9.24%
light 4.08%
long 3.08%
private 2.83%
recent 2.41%
packed 2.33%
buffet 2.33%
eating 2.25%
leisurely 2.16%
early 2.00%
sumptuous 0.50%
sumptuous + n. >>共 183
meal 4.56%
buffet 3.51%
feast 2.81%
breakfast 2.46%
lunch 2.11%
dinner 2.11%
food 1.75%
dish 1.40%
banquet 1.40%
surroundings 1.40%
每页显示:    共 6