1.   A great way to eat eggplant without resorting to ratatouille, a summer staple that can turn tiresome.

2.   Eaten with a spoon, slushy water ices are a summer staple in an area where food is a passion.

3.   Nor is every company a candidate for the seasonal strategy, even if its product is a summer staple.

4.   The humid air moved in over the weekend from the four-corners states to the east, where the monsoon season is a summer staple.

n. + staple >>共 103
food 11.90%
consumer 9.05%
repertory 5.71%
wardrobe 4.29%
holiday 2.86%
supermarket 2.38%
breakfast 2.38%
television 1.90%
summer 1.90%
pantry 1.90%
summer + n. >>共 1039
season 3.84%
vacation 3.69%
camp 3.58%
month 3.30%
day 2.17%
heat 1.95%
capital 1.75%
job 1.63%
recess 1.55%
home 1.53%
staple 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4