1.   And there will be a bunch of profitable movies this summer, it appears.

2.   Anyone who went to the movies this summer knows that their local multiplex was cluttered with mediocre actors in mediocre films.

3.   As a wave of ear-splitting summer movies arrives at theaters, ears ache or hiss or buzz the way they do after a rock concert.

4.   Art includes color photos from six summer movies.

5.   Been to the movies this summer?

6.   Big summer movies are best marketed in the fall, so it pays to move quickly.

7.   A few weeks back, we told you about all the World Wide Web pages being used to promote summer movies.

8.   A summer movie.

n. + movie >>共 431
action 8.96%
horror 8.02%
television 6.91%
war 3.92%
summer 2.76%
disaster 2.60%
blockbuster 2.54%
pay-per-view 1.60%
date 1.33%
gangster 1.27%
summer + n. >>共 1039
season 3.84%
vacation 3.69%
camp 3.58%
month 3.30%
day 2.17%
heat 1.95%
capital 1.75%
job 1.63%
recess 1.55%
home 1.53%
movie 0.38%
每页显示:    共 50