1.   Fuller in flavor than most summer beers, and not quite as crisp.

2.   Hefeweizens are another whole class of summer beers, but a class unto themselves.

3.   In a market crowded already, at least one Atlanta wholesaler decided not to distribute summer beers this year.

4.   One, a Duesseldorf amber, is awful, more like muddy water than beer, while the summer wheat beer is one-dimensional.

5.   SKUBE ON BEER -- Now that temperatures are rising, brewers are busy putting out their summer beers and ales.

6.   Summer beers typically have a touch of citrus.

7.   What exactly is a summer beer anyway?

8.   With summer beers, you have to imagine yourself on the deck.

9.   Summer beer, served chilled.

n. + beer >>共 145
wheat 7.21%
draft 6.90%
specialty 6.27%
premium 5.96%
microbrewery 2.82%
summer 2.82%
brand 2.51%
year 1.88%
low-alcohol 1.88%
sorghum 1.88%
summer + n. >>共 1039
season 3.84%
vacation 3.69%
camp 3.58%
month 3.30%
day 2.17%
heat 1.95%
capital 1.75%
job 1.63%
recess 1.55%
home 1.53%
beer 0.07%
每页显示:    共 9