1.   In so far as this summary financial statement summarises the information in the annual accounts, those accounts have been audited.

2.   Summary statements are useful in everyday speech, where we are continually describing people as intelligent or aggressive or generous or nice.

3.   The draft regulations also provide details of the proposed minimum content of summary financial statements for banks.

4.   My expansion is crystallized in paragraph three of the summary statement on behalf of the Parish Council.

5.   Scientists who prepared the full chapter on which the summary statement is based say they do not expect any substantial change in their basic assessment.

6.   Van der Host criticized the scientific community for not having published a summary statement earlier of all the scientific evidence that HIV causes AIDS.

7.   Van der Horst criticized the scientific community for not having published a summary statement earlier of all the scientific evidence that HIV causes AIDS.

a. + statement >>共 658
joint 6.92%
public 6.17%
opening 4.81%
financial 4.45%
official 4.10%
brief 4.06%
written 3.78%
false 3.18%
final 1.90%
earlier 1.69%
summary 0.05%
summary + n. >>共 99
execution 40.38%
judgment 21.13%
trial 5.48%
report 2.97%
justice 1.88%
form 1.72%
dismissal 1.25%
killing 1.25%
document 1.10%
statement 1.10%
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