1.   They have similar Uvalues to triple glazing and good solar control properties which can be modified to suit specific needs.

2.   Maps can be generated digitally to suit different needs.

3.   Most products have been developed to suit general needs or niche needs.

4.   Even with the simplest database management program for microcomputers used in schools, there is a great deal of flexibility for the design of databases to suit particular needs.

5.   Developed in response to customer demands, the process is currently being adapted to suit individual industrial needs.

6.   Distances can be modified to suit individual needs.

7.   The patient also programs the pump to automatically deliver insulin every hour to suit individual baseline needs.

8.   There are even gasps of admiration specially solicited to suit advertising needs.

9.   However, he said certain programmes derived from other countries could still be adopted but there was an urgent need to formulate programmes to suit local needs.

n. + need >>共 568
security 4.49%
energy 4.15%
customer 3.31%
health 3.14%
business 2.08%
power 1.85%
community 1.51%
information 1.46%
market 1.35%
water 1.29%
suit 0.73%
suit + n. >>共 180
jacket 24.44%
coat 7.17%
claim 5.16%
taste 4.26%
need 2.91%
charge 2.47%
pocket 1.57%
name 1.12%
look 1.12%
pant 1.12%
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