1.   Cloning provides another potential solution, scientists could eliminate the sugar molecule before using the pig cells to create clones.

2.   Elliott said Amgen scientists came to realize that sugar molecules, which form part of Epo, influence how long the protein could cruise the blood stream.

3.   He thinks some sort of oxidative damage along with browning, the accumulation of sugar molecules on proteins, are the more likely explanation.

4.   In sucralose, three of the hydrogen-oxygen groups in each sugar molecule are replaced with chlorine atoms.

5.   Many investigators expect that if they could remove the pig gene responsible for adding that sugar molecule, then the pig organs would be more readily accepted by humans.

6.   The sugar molecule, called glucolaldehyde, is a simple one, composed of only eight atoms containing carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.

7.   To open the pincers and free the lactose-digestion genes, a sugar molecule inserts itself into the tongs.

8.   When heated in the mouth, the links between the sugars and the water weaken, and small sugar molecules spread smoothly out onto the tongue.

9.   The substance is made from a sugar molecule with fatty acids attached.

n. + molecule >>共 149
water 14.15%
protein 12.53%
oxygen 4.18%
hemoglobin 3.71%
carbon 3.48%
adhesion 2.78%
yeast 2.78%
air 2.55%
sugar 2.09%
receptor 2.09%
sugar + n. >>共 336
price 5.93%
industry 5.60%
program 5.12%
mixture 4.15%
syrup 3.13%
producer 3.02%
plantation 2.96%
grower 2.91%
production 2.80%
company 2.37%
molecule 0.48%
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