1.   We also sell cornflakes, puffed and sugar coated puffed wheat and rice manufactured at factory in France.

2.   Assuming that her professional style has been successful before juries in the past why sugar coat her now?

3.   Sprinkle a little sugar into each, tilting ramekin so sugar coats bottom and sides.

4.   Sprinkle sugar into dish, tilting so that sugar coats bottom and sides.

n. + coat >>共 117
oil 3.82%
inch 3.18%
dust 3.18%
ice 2.55%
layer 2.55%
spill 2.55%
sugar 2.55%
butter 1.91%
snow 1.91%
fat 1.27%
sugar + v. >>共 141
be 25.10%
dissolve 23.53%
melt 3.73%
have 2.35%
caramelize 2.16%
begin 1.37%
say 1.37%
turn 1.37%
become 1.18%
come 1.18%
coat 0.78%
每页显示:    共 4