1.   Foster suffered major fractures of the tibia and fibula in his left leg.

2.   A few suffered fractures, while all the passengers had fiberglass shards embedded in their skin, Bloomfield said.

3.   But the party has since suffered fractures and Shevardnadze has come under pressure from rival groups.

4.   The other four suffered fractures but were out of danger, TSF said.

5.   The party has since suffered fractures and Shevardnadze has come under pressure from rival groups.

6.   Those injured suffered fractures, back injuries and burns.

a. + fracture >>共 124
hip 14.40%
small 6.79%
spinal 5.98%
facial 4.08%
double 3.26%
minor 2.45%
displaced 2.45%
slight 2.17%
suspected 1.90%
severe 1.90%
suffered 1.63%
suffered + n. >>共 119
injury 19.06%
burn 5.69%
loss 5.02%
head 5.02%
damage 5.02%
cut 4.68%
bruise 3.01%
wound 2.01%
fracture 2.01%
stroke 1.34%
每页显示:    共 6