1.   If that does not work, the party will sue the state.

2.   Salt River sued the state in November and will have to pay huge legal fees, Gates said.

3.   An advocacy group that calls itself the Campaign for Fiscal Equity has sued the state in an effort to force changes in the funding formulas.

4.   And a nonprofit advocacy group, the HIV Law Project, has sued the state over the delays.

5.   And in October, advocates for the retarded sued the state on behalf of seven residents, saying Southbury provided inadequate services.

6.   And the federal government may still sue states for damages on behalf of individuals.

7.   And, in the minds of some people, suing the state that proclaims your heroism is not one of them.

8.   And, under the powers that IGRA ostensibly provided the tribe, the Seminoles sued the state.

9.   Anna Valmonte, a child-care worker in Chester, New York, sued the state after someone reported her to a child-abuse registry for slapping her daughter.

10.   Anyone who thinks they have been harmed by affirmative action can now sue the state.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
sue + n. >>共 426
company 13.59%
government 6.45%
state 5.92%
city 4.96%
manufacturer 2.41%
industry 2.25%
employer 2.10%
maker 2.06%
newspaper 1.57%
doctor 1.41%
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