1.   Atonic seizures are characterized by a sudden loss of postural muscle tone.

2.   Here it probably happened by sailing into the steep wave resulting in a sudden loss of speed.

3.   However, the sudden chill loss of her also made him uneasy.

4.   She was not even near to getting over the shock of the sudden loss.

5.   The second distribution was for hold-harmless grants to protect users of the categorical grants from a sudden loss of this money.

6.   The socialists, not relishing the sudden loss of their patronage, are much identified with the regular street demos.

7.   Then the public would not face a sudden loss of television service.

8.   There is a smooth process of convergence to full knowledge, unlike the sudden loss of reputation observed in many reputational models.

9.   At the home of Timur Kilic, family members were trying to cope with the sudden loss.

10.   A few seconds after inhalation of a large amount . . . there will be a sudden loss of consciousness followed by convulsions.

a. + loss >>共 611
heavy 4.06%
straight 3.33%
huge 3.17%
early 2.85%
big 2.56%
financial 2.53%
first 2.42%
consecutive 2.15%
hearing 1.64%
net 1.47%
sudden 0.47%
sudden + n. >>共 1030
change 4.80%
surge 2.44%
departure 1.50%
burst 1.48%
drop 1.45%
loss 1.45%
rise 1.43%
shift 1.43%
increase 1.26%
appearance 1.22%
每页显示:    共 62