1.   As a finale, their powerful presence fairly sucks the oxygen out of the room.

2.   As dead organisms rained down from the surface into this nearly stagnant water, the decay of all that material gradually sucked the oxygen out of it.

3.   A long trial would suck the oxygen out of that debate.

4.   A. Along with those gift plants that suck the oxygen out of hospital rooms, possibly suffocating their recipients, magnifying water droplets are a most persistent horticultural myth.

5.   Even when accompanied by the taciturn Cobain, she would suck the oxygen out of rooms with her blathering intensity.

6.   He seemed intent, she said, on sucking the oxygen out of her life.

7.   In the audience, a few crackles and pops of laughter broke out and then the oxygen got sucked out of the room.

8.   In years past, the sight of Chuck Smith sucking oxygen on the sidelines would have been a bad sign for the Atlanta Falcons.

9.   It was stickier and burned hot enough to suck the oxygen out of the air.

10.   The blooms eventually sink in thick carpets to the sea bottom, where they suck dissolved oxygen from the water and leave dead zones.

v. + oxygen >>共 156
carry 8.32%
give 6.05%
use 4.54%
produce 3.91%
get 3.78%
have 3.15%
need 3.15%
release 2.90%
receive 2.77%
add 2.27%
suck 2.27%
suck + n. >>共 213
air 9.09%
blood 7.01%
life 6.25%
water 4.92%
thumb 4.36%
oxygen 3.41%
sap 2.46%
moisture 1.70%
juice 1.52%
bird 1.52%
每页显示:    共 18