1.   Moreover, such a requirement would discourage prosecutions for the aggravated offence and would exclude private prosecutions.

2.   They say such a requirement would place an unfair burden on them.

3.   Sole practitioners were most concerned about the cost implications of six-monthly reports, and some predicted business failures if such a requirement were introduced.

4.   Industry argued that such a requirement would stymie its competitiveness, and that, in any case, changes in emissions from existing plants would only ever be small-scale.

5.   The principal advantage of such a requirement is that it signals, in a formal way, that the procedure is under way.

6.   A committee of students, faculty and administrators submitted a report to Thomas and President Wayne Clough this week outlining issues surrounding such a requirement.

7.   A Fed official said later that such a requirement would make little business sense.

8.   Bush administration officials said they would soon propose such a requirement.

9.   Bush said such a requirement would be high among his priorities if re-elected.

a. + requirement >>共 700
new 6.74%
legal 5.02%
reporting 4.05%
minimum 3.52%
federal 2.98%
stringent 1.80%
such 1.74%
licensing 1.72%
strict 1.69%
specific 1.64%
such + n. >>共 1151
move 6.00%
system 1.96%
thing 1.65%
meeting 1.61%
plan 1.41%
case 1.15%
attack 1.10%
agreement 1.05%
step 1.04%
change 0.92%
requirement 0.26%
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