1.   How could his son become a priest if he read such books?

2.   Later, scores of such books would flood the Market.

3.   Sir Dick was also planning to write his own life story despite Government disapproval of such books.

4.   It was his wish that C.A. should benefit from its value, and also that others in their turn might now have the joy of collecting such books.

5.   As Darnton sees it, the seditious political message of such books should not be taken as evidence of any intention or conspiracy to overthrow the regime.

6.   Because fans of such books are often history buffs themselves, Cody said her research must be meticulous.

7.   But he expected that the electronic versions would make such books accessible to many more people.

8.   But such books are mostly of interest to people already interested in jazz.

9.   But such books were suppressed as heretical, she writes, because they promoted independence and undermined the power of the church.

10.   But such books have typically had an antiwar flavor, depicting the horrors that befell soldiers.

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