1.   Amperometric transducers have generally been more successful than their potentiometric counterparts, allowing detection of many organic solutes.

2.   Now we hope to build a data base to analyse why one last is more successful than another.

3.   The new playstation has been less successful than the previous version.

4.   Learning via the Internet is a new style that many people believe is more successful than the conventional form of teaching.

5.   Why is Stan apparently more successful than many geologists?

6.   On the surface Germany seemed far more successful than Italy in creating a classless society.

7.   One point that is obvious is that a matching grant is generally more successful than a non-matching grant in stimulating local expenditure on a particular good or service.

8.   What makes one organisation more successful than another?

9.   These difficulties may arise especially when the program in question turns out to be more useful and successful than the parties originally envisaged.

10.   Among other things, the study concluded that mergers of equals were less successful than acquisitions of smaller companies.

a. + than >>共 1085
important 7.34%
likely 3.05%
expensive 2.93%
attractive 1.74%
effective 1.64%
difficult 1.27%
complicated 1.26%
powerful 1.22%
dangerous 1.18%
popular 1.10%
successful 0.57%
successful + p. >>共 47
in 53.86%
at 11.01%
with 6.11%
as 5.82%
than 5.58%
on 3.44%
for 3.15%
against 1.36%
of 1.12%
without 0.87%
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