1.   Chan became successful at investing and was making huge profits within several months.

2.   Does Joey have a realistic chance of being successful at the audition?

3.   In fact it seems likely that mountain goats are very successful at avoiding all these predators.

4.   One guy who has been very successful at it once told me his secret of success.

5.   Silber will be no more successful at seizing control of education policy statewide.

6.   The conservative forces were successful at first.

7.   The programs have been highly successful at reducing poverty rates among the elderly.

8.   Although of limited accuracy by modern standards, the Scuds were reasonably successful at hitting large targets such as urban settlements.

a. + at >>共 1015
available 7.61%
present 4.05%
surprised 2.72%
hard 1.43%
amazed 1.19%
successful 1.08%
dead 1.03%
aimed 1.02%
located 0.99%
effective 0.81%
successful + p. >>共 47
in 53.86%
at 11.01%
with 6.11%
as 5.82%
than 5.58%
on 3.44%
for 3.15%
against 1.36%
of 1.12%
without 0.87%
每页显示:    共 226