1.   The editor of a new national magazine called me up before Christmas and asked me to write a story about suburban sprawl.

2.   They identify the mechanisms that make suburban sprawl possible, almost inevitable.

3.   A region plagued by runaway suburban sprawl.

4.   Along with the commercial interests that exploit this fear, it is the major factor now shaping attitudes toward public spaces, urban centers and even suburban sprawl.

5.   Although suburban sprawl has begun to push out its borders, Cuernavaca is still an extremely walkable city, similar in design to a Tuscan hill town.

6.   And spiraling suburban sprawl has brought city problems closer to the countryside.

7.   And while development is usually thought of in connection with suburban sprawl, officials said it was now a prominent feature in small and medium-sized cities.

8.   As a bonus, we could reduce suburban sprawl by putting the former farmland into a perpetual conservation trust.

9.   As the hospitals have faded away, relentless suburban sprawl has enveloped them, with more than a million people now living within several miles of the four sites.

10.   As vice president he often talked about suburban sprawl, but he seldom does today.

a. + sprawl >>共 81
suburban 39.51%
metropolitan 3.09%
modern 2.47%
rural 2.47%
bioengineered 1.23%
chaotic 1.23%
endless 1.23%
further 1.23%
residential 1.23%
resulting 1.23%
suburban + n. >>共 660
home 7.03%
area 4.91%
school 3.00%
neighborhood 2.93%
district 2.72%
community 2.51%
sprawl 2.26%
mall 2.01%
train 1.84%
house 1.77%
每页显示:    共 64